Mr. Jeff Pateracki

Mr. Jeff Pateracki received his Associate Degree in Computer Graphic Design and upon graduation, Mr. Pateracki partnered with a graphic designer where he combined his natural artistic ability with his graphic design skills. He was raised Catholic here in Central Florida, but by the time he was in elementary school his parents were radically saved and born again. Being led by strong Jesus loving parents, it was inevitable that Mr. Pateracki would dedicate his life to serving Jesus by becoming an evangelist and traveling in the United States and Argentina. He also went on two mission trips to Ukraine to teach orphans about the love of Jesus. Mr. Pateracki eventually started volunteering with the special needs community which ultimately led him to public schools where he worked with middle and elementary school students for 10 years. During his time at Liberty Middle School he won “Support Person of the Year.” Currently, Mr. Pateracki is actively involved at Revelation Church as a member of the security team, a leader at the summer camps, and an outreach volunteer.